"Ready to Paint" (Watercolor) C. Eastwood, 2012 |
Ah, watercolor class is back in session, and we've been working on some composition skills (which in my case were so rusty as to be practically non-existent). The assignment? Dig around in your purse or watercolor supplies, find some "stuff," and turn it into an interesting composition. Six thumbnail sketches later (as required), I'd finally found a mix of objects that provided an acceptable composition and it was time to paint. Of course, once the painting was done, there was a tad too much space on the right and so I ended up (heels dragging the whole way) adding in some paper clips. And guess what! The instructor was right (imagine that). I'm a lot happier with it now and I feel like I've learned some important lessons about positive/negative space, rhythm, balance, and movement. Not too shabby for a painting about painting! Hopefully I can translate all that into future work.