Friday, May 17, 2013


"Innocence"  (Watercolor)  C. Eastwood, ©2013
Well, class is out (all except for the final critique) and I'm still painting!  Actually, this is the first half of a two-part experiment in which I will paint the same subject in a mixed media.  I thought it would be interesting to compare the two results, and I just love the subject matter.  So stay tuned for the second half.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Pug Puppy

"Pug Puppy"  (Watercolor)  C. Eastwood, © 2013
Last day for painting in class -- and I've ended it with another puppy study.  I think I'm going to continue painting them over the summer since they're just too much fun to stop.  So stay tuned for some more puppies.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Every Girl's Dream -- Gallery Purchase Award Recipient

"Every Girl's Dream"  (Watercolor)  © C. Eastwood
Come on, admit it.  You know it's true.  There's something about having lots of shoes in different colors and styles.  It just makes you smile. 

And this one really makes me smile because it was one of only 3-4 pieces purchased by the SAC Gallery in its initial program to begin building a permanent collection that will be on display around the campus, at the District headquarters, and also at several other locations.  This is the first year they're doing this, and I feel incredibly honored to have one of my pieces chosen.  That is definitely every artist's dream!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

English Bulldog Puppy

"English Bulldog Puppy"  (Watercolor)  C. Eastwood, ©2013
Having so much fun doing the puppies.  We're drawing to a close (excuse the pun) for this semester, and I have so many more dogs I want to paint.  I just love this little guy.  His wrinkles have wrinkles!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

French Bulldog Puppy

"French Bulldog Puppy"  (Watercolor)  C. Eastwood, © 2013
Still working with painting dogs, or in my case, puppies.  I just love this little guy.  He's so pudgy and cute that I just couldn't resist giving him a try.