Sunday, October 19, 2014

It Takes Two

"It Takes Two"  (Watercolor)  C. Eastwood, © 2014

For whatever reason -- maybe it's all the dancing shows on television -- I had a desire to try painting a couple dancing.  And if I'm going to paint two people, well, it almost has to be the tango, n'est-ce pas?  I'm trying some new techniques with this painting, allowing the shadows to have sharp edges (something I don't generally do).  It was definitely an interesting exercise since there were two people and I not only had to get each one sketched in a fashion that made sense and was recognizable, but they also had to relate to one another in size.  (It's good to challenge yourself!!)  I hope you enjoy it.


October Morning

"October Morning"  (Watercolor)  C. Eastwood, © 2014
For those of you who follow this blog, you know that I don't generally do a lot of landscapes.  But I was going through some of my photos and ran across this one that I took last year at this time when we were in Calistoga for a family wedding. The mornings were crisp and a ground fog shrouded the fields as the morning sun came up.  It was so tranquil and almost other-worldly.  I was trying to capture that feeling in this landscape -- to share the golden hazy light that blanketed the field across from us, revealing only glimpses into the distance.